Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Friday, February 18, 2011


It appears my last few blog posts have a common theme -- sit. wait. rest.

This is a tough one for me. The journey started several years ago. I have often used our travel time in the van as a time to memorize Bible verses or put them to song. On this particular day, we were reciting The 10 Commandments from Exodus 20. Verse 8 in this preschool-friendly version, said, "Rest on the Lord's Day". When I was a child I memorized, "Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it Holy." I have lived my entire life going to church on Sunday. In that regard, it is a "special" day. But, Oldest asked, "Mommy, what does it mean to rest on the Lord's Day?" Rest? Really. I don't rest any day of the week. How can a mother rest? I wanted to say something like, "Oh, back then they had to rest on church day" or "That is part of the OLD Testament and now we don't have to do that." But, I wouldn't say that regarding the commandments that prohibit stealing or killing or committing adultry...or any of them for that matter. It is true, we are not under the Old Testament Law, but really it is listed with some big no's no's. I certainly don't equate killing someone with not-resting on the Lord's day.

In Genesis, after six days of creation it says, "By the seventh day, God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done."

I began to study what the Sabbath meant and what it means for me today. I had to wrestle with the concept that the word "sabbath" can't be separated from "rest".

A respected preacher I heard defined the Sabbath this way -- resting on the Sabbath means not producing. For some, it can't be a particular day -- like Sunday -- but it is ONE day out of SEVEN dedicated to worshipping God and ceasing to produce. It is trusting that when I stop producing, God can continue to produce on my behalf. It takes faith and trust to truly rest.

In prayer, I began to ask God how I could honor Him on the Sabbath. It isn't about a set of black and white rules of what can and can't be done. It is about the spirit of honoring the Lord.

As a mom, my weeks are busy, specifically with homeschooling my children. Saturday's are filled with sports and laundry and many other things. Sunday has become a bonus day. After church, I love to tackle a few things to make my week go a little smoother. If I can go to bed on Sunday night with the pantry stocked, dishwasher unloaded, laundry done, and school prepped, I am ready for the week. How can I possibly not produce on the Lord's Day -- all of my days are my days! Can I give one up?

I have to say, last week the Lord challenged me and answered the prayer I prayed when I asked how I could honor the Sabbath. I experienced a series of events that sound made-up!! I have been journaling daily and watching the week progress.....tickled at God's goodness! When I ceased to produce, God literally produced for me...and the week isn't even over.

Once again, I appreciate your feedback, comments, and private e-mails. I am still in the process of truly comprehending what "Honoring the Sabbath" means. How do you incorporate it into your life?

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