Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Friday, June 10, 2011


With anticipation, I checked on my little garden today. I was hoping for some marked changes -- bigger leaves, longer stems, or new sprouts peeking through the soil. Nothing. My pepper plants look exactly the same as they did yesterday and the day before. In fact, I don't know if they have progressed since I transitioned them outdoors. Will they really really bring forth something edible in the next few months?

Growth is rarely instant, fast, or even measurable. It takes place over time until one day you look back and can finally track measurable progress.

growth (grōt̸h)


the process of growing or developing; specif.,
gradual development toward maturity
formation and development
degree of increase in size, weight, power, etc.
the full extent of such increase
something that grows or has grown: a thick growth of grass
an outgrowth or offshoot

As I pondered my disappointment over my seedlings and my desire to fast-forward or microwave them to maturity, I was reminded of my own children. As the mommy of Oldest, Middleson, and Babyboy my job is to train them and enable them to grow. Training isn't a one time event, it is a process. I need to be patient as they grow and mature even when I don't see marked progress or change or improvement.

Oldest was not even two when Middleson joined our family. But, he suddenly went from our one and only baby to our Oldest and a big brother. I instantly saw him in a different light and expected so much from him! "Grow up and act like a one year old!" MY plan was to have him potty trained and dressing himself by the time Middleson arrived....of course those attempts failed. Five years later, Babyboy arrives and I feel like he gets a mom who has grown and matured. By baby number three, instead of pushing the "hurry up" button, I am pushing the "pause" button wishing I could "rewind" a few years.

Even as an adult, I have not arrived. I have a lot of growing to do! Gratitude overwhelmed me when I thought about God's patience in the midst of seasons in my own life when my growth seemed stunted. Yet, when I look through my journals from a decade ago, I taste the victory!

I have grown. I have matured in Christ. Oldest, Middleson, and Babyboy will too. And so will those little seedlings in my garden.

1 comment:

  1. Your garden will grow....I get so impatient waiting for the fruit of my labor to be seen! Thanks for the post! You will see marked changes in your garden soon!
