Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Friday, January 7, 2011


I was given the advice to NEVER EVER post being home alone. Not on Facebook. Not on a blog. Don't do it! I didn't. I refrained.

Now, I can say I was home alone. Daddy traveled to Florida for a business trip. Oldest stepped up to the plate to be the "man of the home". Middleson and Babyboy stepped it up a notch too. I feel like super-mom having gone from Daddy home for two weeks to flying solo after the high of Christmas, New Years and too much sugar! I made it!

When daddy is gone we always camp out in the master bedroom at night, with the exception of Babyboy who needs the confinement of the crib. Oldest and Middleson look forward to being on my floor in sleeping bags.

While I couldn't wait for Daddy to safely arrive home, there are some perks in his absence.

First, the boys are easy to feed. They request sandwiches for every meal. And, we eat much earlier than our traditional 6:30 supper and multiple afternoon snack sessions.

Second, since we eat earlier, the evening feels longer. I made it a point to play with the boys each evening. Jenga, Tic Tac Toe, and Rocks, Paper, Scissors filled our evenings. I call this "30minutesontheboysturf". I made a conscious decision to hold each boy and affirm each son. It is too easy to let a day go by without a snuggle or a hug or words of affirmation.

Third, everybody in the home gets a new appreciation for daddy! Babyboy's expression was priceless when daddy came through the door last night. "Daddy, Daddy, daddy!" he squeeled begging to be picked up.

That's it. Three is enough. I can't possibly begin to list the reasons he is missed or why I am so glad he is home. Can I just say, I am so glad I am no longer HOME ALONE? Everything feels just right now. Home sweet Home.


  1. My friend Kelly N sent me your way! she said I should check out your blog because you write about homeschooling and having 3 boys while I write about homeschooling and having 3 girls! :) enjoyed looking around your blog! Nice to meet you!

  2. Oh how neat! I would love to correspond with you and hear about your homeschooling experiences! Nice to meet you too. And, thank you!
