Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Are you ready for some football?

I confess. Football season is a love/hate thing for me.  I simply do not understand why it begins earlier and earlier every year.  Pre-Season.  Season.  Post Season.  College.  NFL.  Super Bowl.  Weeknights. Weekends.  Afternoon.  Evening. 

I dread the hours and hours the tv is on.  However, I have begun to love the football madness.  OSU Buckeye games are the absolute perfect time to shop.  Columbus becomes a ghost town.  I can stroll any store in my scarlet and gray and have my pick....along with the other few non-fans that have discovered the same secret. 

I have also enjoyed watching the bonding between the boys and their daddy's football fondness.  It starts with the all-out attire, leads to the football food (wings, chips, and "junk" food), and continues with hours and hours of screaming, jumping, and high-fiving.

On Sunday night, the boys' daddy and I were reading a parenting book while Babyboy played at our feet and Oldest and Middleson played outside. Suddenly daddy asked, "Why are we inside reading a parenting book instead of playing with the kids?" Good question daddio. It was then that I received the invitation to play football. Yep, at thirty-something I finally slightly understood how the game is played. The 30minutesontheboysturf turned into an hour of football fun. Even the neighbors joined us.

I confess. It was fun. Football is exciting. However,I think turftime will be the extent of my football fascination. Target, dressed in its Scarlet, still calls my name on game day.

So, yes, I am ready for some football.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I could go either way on that one! I enjoy football, but honestly, it isn't the same as going to our bro's games when it was cold outside and hot chocolate did the trick. It is too hot here. So, maybe at this point, I would pick Target too!
