Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Monday, August 23, 2010

10 Day Countdown.....

Wow, 20 days have passed since the 30minutesontheboysurf experiment began.  There have been nothing but positive outcomes as a result of this focused time with my boys on their turf. 

Our weekend held nothing too exciting to report in regards to our 30minutesontheboysturf time. However, the 40th Birthday Bash for our Kids Pastor and the engagement of our niece was more than enough exhileration  for one weekend. 

Today my house has been turned into a car lot.  The bathroom has been transformed into a science lab complete with goggles, microscope, and test tubes.  (Hmmm.....I'm wondering now why Oldest and Middleson chose the bathroom as the lab.  I hope no un-authorized experiments are taking place.)  The boys delegated me the role of Match Box and Hot Wheel Car Counter.  So far, I have counted 148 cars!  If I find anymore, I may open this car lot to the public.

The rest of the week will kick it up a notch -- tomorow is a day of appointments and school starts Wednesday!  Creativity and flexibility will be called on for sure.

So thankful.....

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