If I were to accurately convey the details of our weekend "turftime", I would be guilty of OVERposting. Babyboy got more than his share of 30minutesonthebabyboyturf. The dynamic was so different when it was just the two of us. I was shocked at how much he communicates without his big brothers around.
Oldest and Middleson overdosed on the best, craziest, boy-iest adventures with Daddy while camping. They are already asking for another camping trip. Our weekend bulged with good stuff and great memories. We topped it all off with our annual church picnic which the boys always look forward to.
Oldest and Middleson were instructed to draw self-portraits for art class today. They asked me to join them. We spent way over 30 minutes drawing ourselves and laughing much too hard. I, personally, do not possess a single artist's gene. My self-portrait could easily be displayed among other elementary-aged artists. I was proud of the big boys and their improvement over last year's self portraits.
So this 30 day experiment is just two days from the done mark. Yet, I feel like this is just the beginning for us. This 30minutesontheboysturf has become less about a "length" of time and more about really wonderful focused time with eachother. It is becoming much more natural and much less a "to do".
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