Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Mommyontheboysturf with her three sons

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It all started with a radio talk show....

Just this morning I listened to a radio talk show from a ghetto alarm clock on my kitchen cupboard.  Little did I know the CONVICTION (ouch) that could transpire in just minutes.  I don't even know the name of the speaker or the topic. I did hear the speaker emphasize the importance of spending 30 minutes a day on your child's turf. No cell phone. No internet. No interruptions.  The speaker was actually addressing children with behavior problems.  My problem wasn't the behavior of my boys, but the sparkle I saw in their eyes when they heard the speaker. My oldest begged, "Mom, could  you do that?  No phone and no computer! Just do what we want to do?"  I immediately got defensive and had an internal fight with myself.  "I stay at home with the kids and spend EVERY day ALL day with them!"  "In fact, we are going to the pool today.....and I will chase around the baby while they play with friends.  And, this afternoon they will play Legos....with eachother so I can clean or cook."  Ughhg. I recounted the last few days and realized when I am spending time with my kids, they are on MY turf.  I immediately vowed to spend 30 minutes with my sons on their turf TODAY.

At 1:34pm, I looked at my clock and dreaded spending 30 minutes doing what they wanted to do. I wanted to suggest story time or a good game of UNO.  But, I knew I had to be on THEIR turf.  So, I disguised my voice with excitement and asked what they wanted to do. "Mom, really?  You want to play with us?  Okay, let's go to the basement (unfinished, cold, dark, BOY World) and play Legos!  You can't bring your cell phone okay?"  We made the trek down the basement stairs and I gave it 100%.  My boys laughed at my Lego swimming pool design complete with a diving board and ladder and I realized their is a definite talent to playing with Legos.
Whooo Hoooo. Day ONE is DONE...and it was FUN!


  1. What a great challenge! I often rely on the fact that my boys love to play with each other, but really, a 30 minute a day challenge sounds like a good goal. Can I start with 20 though?

    Love the blog...and love your writing. Keep it up, I will enjoy reading it!

  2. AWESOME! Love to read your writing ... and hear your heart through your words!

  3. I LOVE the way you write! Please keep it up so I can hear about life for you! Miss you tons!

  4. you are invited to follow my blog
